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一、依「公司名稱及業務預查審核準則」第11條規定,公司所營事業之載明,應依「公司行號與有限合夥營業項目代碼表」所定細類代碼及業務別填寫,但不得僅載明「ZZ99999 除許可業務外,得經營法令非禁止或限制之業務」。
(二)ZZ99999 除許可業務外,得經營法令非禁止或限制之業務

1.In accordance of Article 11 of "Regulations Governing Review of Applications for Reservation of Corporate Names and Business Scopes", the business scopes of a company shall be stated using the codes and business types set forth in the MOEA's "List of Codes of Business Activities of Companies, Firms, and Limited Partnerships", but only indicating "ZZ99999 All business activities that are not prohibited or restricted by law, except those that are subject to special approval" is not allowed.
2.For instance:
Fill in Business Scope of Companies:
(1)F501060 Restaurants
(Required or Mandatory Field, to fill in at least one major Code of Business Items/Activities)
(2)ZZ99999 All business activities that are not prohibited or restricted by law, except those that are subject to special approval
中華民國經濟部商業發展署 / 地址:100210 臺北市福州街15號
服務時間:星期一~星期五 8:30~17:30 (國定假日除外)
諮詢專線:412-1166,直接撥打毋需加撥區碼 (六碼地區請撥 41-1166),行動電話請加撥 02
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