Page 11 - SIIR2022
P. 11


                      cooseii 授弱勢者予漁

                      Empowering the disadvantaged

                      through a matchmaking platform

                      for co-creation




                              The creativity of people with disabilities is unencumbered by physical or
                              mental impairment. Agoood Co., Ltd., a social enterprise, has launched

                              a platform called “cooseii” that allows disabled people to upload their
                              artwork, and designers will transform the pieces into cultural and creative
                              products. As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for
                              a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” The platform
                              puts the essence of the saying into practice, offering disabled people a
                              chance to work remotely and earn income. The focus of the platform is to
                              help the underprivileged to become financially independent so that they
                              can be no longer in the disadvantaged position.

                                                          Digital Application

                                                    Agoood Co., Ltd.

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