Page 9 - SIIR2022
P. 9

                  User Experience

            32      農業百寶箱新鮮即送 有助產銷轉型
                    ༵ପϵᘒᇌ̋࠽؂ਕࠇ೥ / ਖ਼ٰุ༵΅Ϟࠢʮ̡

                      The Agricultural Produce Box project facilitates the transformation of production he Agricultural Produce Box project facilitates the transformation of production
                    and s
                    and sales through a timely delivery serviceales through a timely delivery service
                    Agricultural Produce Box Value-Added Project/ Farming Co., Ltd.

            38      瑞艾 AI 秒懂消費者 精準推播數位廣告
                    AI ౽ঐ܄໊፫ᗆၾІ˴Ꮄʷᄿѓપᅧӻ୕ࠇ೥ / ๿Ў߅ҦϞࠢʮ̡

                      RAI Technology Ltd. creates the push ads system with artificial intelligence AI Technology Ltd. creates the push ads system with artificial intelligence
                    t technologyechnology
                    Artificial Intelligence Technology for Customer Group Identification and Auto-optimized Push Advertising System/
                    RAI Technology Ltd.

                 Low-carbon Circular Economy
            44      廚電以租代買 喜特麗開創新藍海

                    ౽ঐᄼཥృᐑ຾᏶௴อॡ༣؂ਕࠇ೥ / ఃतᘆ਷ყٰ΅Ϟࠢʮ̡
                    JYE THE LIH INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. offers a smart kitchen appliances rental  YE THE LIH INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. offers a smart kitchen appliances rental
                    Circular Economy Innovation for the Smart Kitchen Appliances Rental Service /JYE THE LIH INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.

            50      運用 AI 碳盤查 永訊智庫提供企業減碳服務

                    TCFD ंࡉࠬᎈ൙Пၾಯ၁༩ࢰ஝ྌʘ AI ౽ঐ̨̻ / ͑ৃ౽ࢫٰ΅Ϟࠢʮ̡
                    Leveraging AI to analyze companies' data and reduce carbon emissionseveraging AI to analyze companies' data and reduce carbon emissions
                    An AI Platform for TCFD Climate Risk Assessment and Decarbonization Roadmap/ Sustaihub INC.

            56      世代設計台灣共好 好歸塑啟航循環經濟

                    ˰˾ணࠇ REturntle λᓥ෧ࠇ೥ / ˰˾ணࠇٰ΅Ϟࠢʮ̡
                      FNG adopts circular economy practices for a better Taiwan through a plastic  s circular economy practices for a better Taiwan through a plastic
                      FNG adopt
                    recycling projectecycling project
                    REturntle: FNG’s Plastic Recycling Project/ FNG Company Limited

            62      會說故事的膠囊 力行循環經濟的古坑咖啡

                    ഐΥᇭᚾ߅ҦᅰЗ؂ਕၾ͛يၚ๪પਗЭ၁ృᐑʘ̨ᝄၚۜդਥභۜऊ൬ପุ೯࢝ࠇ೥ /

                    The story behind Yunlin’s coffee capsules for implementing circular economyhe story behind Yunlin’s coffee capsules for implementing circular economy
                      The Integration of Capsule Technology, Digital Services, and Biorefining for Taiwan's Specialty Coffee Industry in
                    Low-carbon and Circular Development/ Yue Lin Enterprise Co., Ltd.
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